Since Tiffany is the Blog Master she will edit this post later for narrative purposes. I just wanted to get pics up for those who wanted them. Tyler - Interim Blog Master
OK So here is the story: On Wednesday the 21st Tyler and I went to the OB/GYN office for my weekly checkup, and I was also scheduled for an ultrasound that visit. So we did the ultrasound and the technician said that everything was great, the baby was in great shape and had a strong heartbeat and was growing perfectly on schedule, and was ready to come at any time. She measured the fluid levels last though, and said it was low. So, when we went to the other side for our checkup, I could tell something was up. They said I was going to see one of the main doctors and I heard them talking around the corner. I wasn't too worried though because no one seemed worried, it just seemed different. Well, when the doctor came in she checked me and I was only dilated to a one and not really progressing that way. Then she said that because the fluid was low they were going to start me that day. Yes, that day. You should have seen the look on Tyler's face as he realized that the time to prepare was up. LOL it was awesome! I seriously wish I had a camera at that moment to capture that, but sadly it will only be available to me in my memory...
Anyway, the doctor told us to eat lunch and get my bag, and then to check into the hospital by one at the latest. So, I went and hung out with Shelly and Janice while Tyler drove home and picked up my bag and everything else that we could think of. (We made a list so he wouldn't forget, because at that point we were just lucky if he remembered to BREATHE)
We checked into the hospital that afternoon, and hunkered down for a long wait. They administered a doo-dad to help me start dilating properly, and hooked me up to all the monitors. I was apparently having mild contractions regularly but not ones that I could really feel, or that were affecting me significantly, so I was relatively comfortable for that whole first day. I even snuck some salad (because the nurse said it was still ok, off the record). The next morning early, they came in and checked me again, and started the Pitosin in my IV. Every 1/2 hour they increased the drip. Sometime in the late afternoon, I really started to feel the contractions. The rest is history, I guess I labored for about 5 hours or so, and pain management was definitely my friend. After a couple of hours my water broke, and I got the nurse in there asap to call down the anesthesiologist. He put in the epidural, but when he tried to put the medicine in, it wasn't going down the tubes because of a faulty piece, so he had to take it out, and redo the whole thing. He was extremely apologetic, but when it was all done, and I was feeling it's effects, I told him I didn't even care, he was still my best friend in the whole wide world. :) So, from that point on things went pretty fast, and once we got down to it, it took 3 or 4 contractions of pushing and the next thing I knew there was a baby on my stomach. I told the nurses it was easier than I had expected it to be, and they all chuckled. For at least 2 of the contractions they were all just chatting about who knows what, I wasn't paying attention, and I felt the contractions, and was like "can I please push now?" and they were like, "oh, yeah of course!" I was like, Hello! But it really was good, the nurses and doctor were so good, and Tyler was so great for the whole thing.
Once the baby came, he was in charge of taking all the pictures and video he could possibly take, and he was given the option to cut the cord or not. I told him if he didn't want to, I'd let him off the hook for that part. But he decided to, and wasn't even that grossed out. LOL. So, on October 22, 2009 at 9:04 pm we welcomed our 6lb 12 oz, 21 inch long baby boy into this world, and we decided to name him Nicholas Tyler Johanson.
oh he is So cute
Oh my word, you went so early! And he is SO gorgeous! I wish I could be there with you to celebrate. Congratulations! I'd love an email with the whole birth story sometime. Yay!!
He is precious! Congratulations!!!
He is so cute. congrats guys! will we get to see him in person anytime soon?
Oh my goodness-I guess you got that crib set up just in time! He looks absolutely perfect Tiffany, so charming and sweet! I hope that things went smoothly and I wish you a speedy recovery! Good luck with all of this new stuff and enjoy every minute you have with your new little one; they grow up so fast!
congrats guys! that's so exciting!
I hope all went well with the delivery
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