Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas '08

Here are a whole bunch of pictures from Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. There are also some pictures of when we had all the neices and nephews come over to spend the night, and we decorated gingerbread houses. There was a girls house and a boys house. :)
Mom & Grandma cooking
David being David

Dad... being Dad

Aunt Chris

Mom, Chelley, Bob, Chris, Grandma, David, Tyler

Same :)

Nathan, Tim, 1/2 of Brett, Malin, Janice, Grandma, Tyler, Braxton, McKenna, Jackie, Sierra, and Leora (at the very edge)

Tyler's gift from his dad

My gift from McKenna (perfect for the plane rides to come back and visit from FL!)

Nathan and Tim

AnnJillene's gift from Tyler

Tyler wearing my gift from McKenna :)

Malin, Janice, and Grandma

Sierra's new apron!

Sierra & Mckenna's gingerbread house

Sierra, McKenna, Braxton, Colt, Hunter (peace)

Braxton, Colt, and Hunter's gingerbread house

The making of the houses:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

As Promised

Here is more from David's Eagle Scout court of honor. There are some videos and pictures. I tried to keep the videos short so just so you know what you're getting into if you click play:

This one is the "musical number" performed by the drum line of the Layton High Marching Band, and of course David is participating. Kind of cool.

Here are some excerpts from talks. The first is one of David's leaders, and I only included a few seconds of his, and the rest is David talking about the road that led to his Eagle award.

And, here are some cute pictures:

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving and Day After

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving and the day after. We go get our Christmas trees with Tyler's family on the day after Thanksgiving, it's a fun tradition and we found the perfect tree, but it was not an easy one to find. :)

Here is Tyler teaching Hunter and Sierra some wrestling moves after eating pies at his mom's house. :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

David's Court of Honor Stuff

I thought I would post this video that I made for David's Court of Honor. He finally got his eagle scout ranking, and gets to drive instead of just sitting in his car in the driveway! Yay for Dave! We'll take lots of pictures, and I'll put them on here too. I guess his school band's drum line is going to perform, which is kinda cool. :) Anyway, the video is about 6 minutes long, but if you know david, there are some gems in there! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Office Halloween

Did anyone see The Office last thursday? Hillarious. So on halloween, I was supposed to dress up because we had made an informal pact to do so, so that no one person would feel stupid for being the only one dressed up (like Pam was on the Office). Me being the incredibly intelligent person that I am, forgot it was even halloween until I was already in Layton. I had a small moment of panic and made a last minute turn in to the Wal-Mart parking lot and went on a quest to find ANYTHING i could use and call a halloween costume, so my co-workers wouldn't kill me.

Well, WalMart had already taken all of their halloween stuff out, and there was Christmas stuff on the shelves instead. (a topic for a whole other post: Why does Thanksgiving get no love?)

So when my friend showed up dressed like Dorothy and saw me in jeans and a t-shirt, I promptly dove under my desk to hide from the beating I was sure to receive. :) No worries however, we ended up going to get me a costume from a local halloween store, and got one for our friend Kyle as well. Here are some pictures of all the people in our office dressed up:

Kyle (the joker) also took inspiration from The Office, but it was pretty funny because right before this picture, we had gone to lunch all together and Kyle's family met us there. (Kids eat free at Sizzler for wearing their costumes in or something like that) His daughter was dressed up like a princess, but she was the angriest princess I had ever seen. She was SOOOO mad at her dad for dressing up scary and even stuck her tongue out at him once! It was pretty cute, and poor Kyle,
it just broke his little heart!
Anyway, Halloween was fun, and the fun, crazy times we have in our office is definitely something I'm going to miss... These guys are great

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wrapped In Support Blankets

OK my friend passed this on to me, and I thought it was post worthy. I am going to try and donate one, every one blanket helps reach the goal. :)

You can go HERE to check it out

Goal: 400 handmade Patriotic Fleece Blankets
Blankets: No Sew Double Fleece (See me if you want me to email you directions)
Colors: Red/White/Blue or Patriotic Prints ONLY
(Army Camo or Army Print is also acceptable)
Size: 45" to 55" wide x 72" long
Deliver to: (see me for the address to mail them to, and any other delivery/prep directions!)
Deadline: NOVEMBER 1, 2008

Pass this on to anyone else you think might want to help :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So, the cat is pretty much out of the bag and I figured I might as well make this official.

So, here is the long story to preface the decision:
My husband Tyler has been a fan of the University of Florida (Gators) for a very long time, longer than I've known him at least. He has a Florida Gators golf bag (very lovely display of orange and blue), a toy gator that dances and sings Gator cheers, a cereal box from Publix with the coach (Urban Meyer) on the front (which will NEVER be opened, probably not even if we were dying of hunger), many many shirts/hats/etc and we have a cute little gator sticker on the back of our XTerra. He's a fanatic.
We often get asked "Why do you guys like Florida? Are you from there?" (No.) "Why do you guys like Florida? Did you go to school there?" (No.) "Why do you guys like Florida? ...."
So we've decided it is time to do something about this.

We're going to move to Florida and get this show on the road. Tyler is planning on majoring in Golf and Sports Turf Management, and if any of you have been following our blog-recorded lives this summer, you know that he loves Golf just as much as he loves the Gators. (Maybe more...) So, we're really excited about this, but it is probably not going to happen for a few months. We're in the process of looking for jobs for me, and figuring out all the details with our house, and our belongings, etc.
It's always scary making a drastic change like this, so it's slightly surreal and although we talk about it a lot some people are thinking that it won't actually happen, and that we'll chicken out (those people don't know me very well). Ty has to get enough credit hours to transfer in, and so we'll be living in the Ft Lauderdale area for the first bit so we can be close to family and then once he's all set and accepted we'll move up to Gainesville and officially become a part of the Gator Nation.
(Side Note: Lots of people also think that maybe we like Florida football because of Urban Meyer who coached at Utah for a little bit. The answer to that is a definite NO. We are BYU fans to the core! We see the time Urban spent at Utah as a minor flaw, but no one is perfect, so we will continue to root for him as long as he's at Florida. :))

Anyway, like I said, we don't have all of the details worked out yet, like exactly when, etc. but when you know it's the right thing to do you do it. The warm weather, and not having to drive in the snow is a plus. :) (Tyler would point out also that the hurricanes are a non-plus, but we're not thinking about that too much!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Snow!!!!!!!

So, yesterday we had an awesome football day, BYU won at home and the Florida Gators tromped on LSU at home.
Then this morning we woke up and I caught a glimpse out the window, only to see a whole lot of... white.
It's pretty early for this, and so the weather people had said it would snow, but I was not expecting this:

So what did we decide to do? Of course... We pulled out the Coco-Motion

(shout out to Alaska!)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Traumatic Event

The other night, Tyler was in the bathroom taking out his contacts, and I was getting dressed for bed, when out the window of our bedroom I heard this loud bang... It almost sounded like a gunshot or something, it was very very loud, and sounded pretty close. Tyler came out from the bathroom and asked "what was that?!?"

The next morning, Tyler went to play basketball at an unearthly hour, and asked one of our friends who lives down the street (and plays basketball with him) if he had heard anything. Chad (the friend) said no he hadn't heard anything, so we were starting to wonder if we were imagining things...

He came home from basketball and we were both getting ready for the day, and he glanced out the window and noticed a piece of our fence was broken off... Upon further investigation it seems that the loud bang was... our neighbor's tire (or the car) blew up. We're not exactly sure because it was a mess! See exibit A and B:
