Monday, June 29, 2009

There's a Bun in the Oven

Hahahahaha! Get it?!?... Yesterday (sunday) I decided to give a shot at baking bread. I have lots of wheat and flour, so I thought it would be a fun and yummy money saver for a while. Here is the documentation-

Saturday, June 27, 2009


HELLO!!! So a lot has happened in June, it's been a busy month. I started working at CompUSA part time, and it's been pretty cool. I also had a birthday. We of course found out what the gender of our baby is, and we also moved into a new apartment. Here are some pictures documenting some of the stuff I know we're in trouble for not posting sooner:

The above pictures were actually from Aunt Colleen's birthday last month... Below are some ultrasound pics.

This is one of my favorites, because you can see his little foot perfectly, with all his toes!
Updated baby bump pic-

Here is us moving in. We didn't have much stuff so most of it was done in multiple trips to and from our storage unit, stuffing as much as we could fit into the back of our XTerra
and then up the elevator....

I was the elevator holder, and Tyler thought it was funny to block me in every time

And once we got everything in... Tyler rested

here is our 'lake view' out our back window, off the balcony

And here are some kind of random pictures from Grandma Rhoda's house. Just some views and stuff. We are really grateful that she let us stay with her for so long, it was such a help and anyway, this one is off her back porch-

This is from the front of the apartment

This was a sunset view from the front of her apartment as well

and that's all she wrote, until next time :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's a BOY!

As promised, here are some pictures of the "Telltale Bump" to accompany the news that we are having a BOY. :) I kinda had a feeling it was a boy, but would have been SO pleased either way. But, we did stop at Marshalls on the way home to pick up some little Jordans Baby Booties... SO CUTE!
Also, this week I broke down and bought my first pair of maternity shorts. I'm glad I did though, because they are way more comfortable. I also got a dress to wear to church, and this cute blue shirt. It's weird I feel like buying maternity clothes is almost like a 'wastefull necessity' because of how long you even wear them for, but at the same time, you can't really do without.

So now, your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to help us think of good boy names. The only ones I can get out of Tyler are ones he thinks would be funny... For example, since the due date is November 6th, Tyler thinks the baby will be born on Halloween, and we could name him Boo. I said "That's not a real name" and he said "Yes it is, there's a golfer named Boo Weekly" Other names he's come up with are Tiger (of course) and Maximus. So please, help!!
I'll probably post some of the ultrasound pictures from today next week, once I get to a scanner... They are so dang cute! He kept wiggling around the whole time, and he was putting his hands up to his face, and opening and closing his mouth. The funniest part though was when the ultrasound doctor was showing us that he was a boy, and she took the little picture, and then typed in... are you ready for this... "Mr Winkie" wahahaha! hillarious. So, it will forever say that on the first picture we have proving our little child is a boy. Anyway, everything was perfect, she took all the measurements and showed us his spine, and his heart, and we could even see all the little chambers of his heart, and she measured his limbs. Also, she took the cutest picture of his perfect little foot. OK enough gushing for now, if you leave a comment with name ideas, I will love you forever (even if we don't use the name you give).
