Saturday, September 22, 2012

Nicholas Singing

Nicholas loves to sing these days. He makes up all kinds of songs, as well as singing along to ones we sing to him a lot. Anytime one of the babies is crying, I ask him to sing to them. The babies love it and always stop crying to listen to their brother. He usually sings the ABC's because it's his favorite, but when he sings it to the babies he rushes through it like he's doing me some huge favor and just wants to get it over with. Haha! such an attitude on this one... Some of his other favorites are "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star," "Jesus Song" (My Heavenly Father Loves Me), "Nicholas Song" (You are My Sunshine), "Flower Song" (I have no idea...), "Family Song" (Families Can Be Together Forever)... and many other songs that he's made up. For example the last song on the video. I think he got bitten by a friend on the finger and so all day he was a little obsessed with biting. So it's the "Bite on Me" song. LOL

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