Monday, September 17, 2012

Goin' for a walk

So... I have not been so great at this blog thing lately. I have been taking pictures, but it's so easy to just post them to Facebook and then I neglect the blog. It's too time consuming to get on the computer to do it "right" and I tend to WANT to get it perfect. I like to put the pictures in the right order and comment on them in the right places. I can post from my phone but it mixes up the order, posts small size pics and doesn't let me caption. I'm posting from my phone right now.
Anyway, the point of this blog is to let friends and family that are interested, see what we are up to and feel like they aren't missing out on our (mostly the kids') lives while we are living far away. So, I will try and post more. But it probably won't be as detailed as it has been. We're talking survival mode here, folks. If you really want to know what's going on with our fam, it's chaos. A whole lot of it. :)

Anyway!... We have a runnin arrangement with Nicholas's "girlfriend" for play dates. It was our turn to go to their house and since our car is in the shop Tyler had the van. Nicholas thinks Daddy stole it from us. :) I thought to myself, "This will be a great opportunity to get some fresh air, and excercise for me!" So I loaded up the double stroller that I have with Nicholas and one baby. Then I strapped the other baby to my chest and we headed out! It was a bit over ambitious... And hot. But when I was done, I decided I liked it. :)

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