Friday, February 10, 2012

My crazy story for the day

A guy cut me off today, which is one of my pet peeves, you were the idiot who didn't pay attention to the signs... Just take it and make a u-turn, or at least wait for someone to let you in.
Gainesville traffic is way better than South Florida, but that almost makes me more upset when people drive uncourteously here, because its not "just how everyone drives."
So this old guy in a van just like mine hadn't realized he'd been in a turn only lane and tried to merge over, but wasn't going in front of me, he was just going into the side of me. Like about to hit the side of my van. So I honked and braked, and then as he just kept going and pulled in front of me, I honked some more. For about 30 seconds. I refrained from yelling, because Nicholas was in the car, but I was mad.
So I grabbed a bag of baby carrots out of my purse and rolled down the window. I was biting off proper chunks to throw out the open window at his car when I realized I was about to cross a line of craziness that was probably not ok. Up to this point, the idea of crazy hadn't even occurred to me. So I debated in my mind wether I was mad enough to go there or not, rolled the window back up and ate my carrots.
Am I proud of myself for not throwing carrots at an old man and his old wife in their minivan? Yes. Do I get to be proud of myself for anything at this point? No, probably not. Truth is wether I did it or not, I WAS that crazy and there was nothing I could have done about it anyway. Luckily the hormones subsided or something and it didn't happen but either way I will always have a pretty funny story about how I almost did a pretty funny thing. I mean CARROTS?! REALLY?! WHO DOES THAT??!!??!!


russandkatie said...

I love it!

Bronwyn James said...

Oh Tiffany. While I'm glad for the old man and his wife (except what a great story for them to tell too), I'm a little sad you didn't do it. Crazy is ok when you're pregnant with twins. Next time . . . throw the carrots! (No, of course I don't really think that. But I kind of do. But would never encourage such a thing. In person.)

The Leakes said...

This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing. Made my day. :)
