Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In Other News

So, I have been slacking lately in the blog department and for that I feel guilty, so I am going to give you some news in this post to make up for it hopefully and then all will be even and square.

We are looking at apartments and will hopefully be in to a cute little (really little) apartment in Pembroke Pines a block away from Tyler's school and work by the end of this month. Really, asap. Tyler's work is going well, and on slow days he gets to practice golf, which he appreciates.
We were staying at my cousin Shelley's to watch their cat for a couple of days while they were on a cruise, and now we're back in my Grandma's guest bedroom. Once we get moved in, I will for sure post pictures... other than that it's just work for Tyler and well... hopefully you've figured out what I've been up to. I tell you what, it's a tricky business, sure does wear me out!


Marissa said...

I am so excited for you! I hope you don't get to sick. You will have to keep me up dated on how it's going.

Being in your own place again is also exciting. I look forward to the pictures!

russandkatie said...

I totally didn't read any of that I just went straight for the blue letters! congratulations!!!

now I need to go back and read what else you wrote, you're very clever!

Brett and AnnJillene said...

I saw you pic at Janices. so cute. The kids are so excited. Cute way to spread the message. Can't wait for you to get into your own apartment.
We miss you guys and love you.

The Leakes said...

Haha, Tiffany! I am so excited for you. So, I've decided that I have a 6th sense for these things and today I thought, hm...I haven't looked at Tiffany's blog in a little while, maybe I will get on and she will have announced that she's pregnant, well lo and behold! I knew it as soon as I saw the blue letters! Well, I hope that you are feeling good and that things haven't been too rough for you! You will definitely have to post pictures as your cute little belly grows!
