Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Tonight we went to Passover at Cousin Shelley's house. It was a fun crowd of family and friends, and the food was great.

As you can see, Shelley does a dinner right. On the plates were 1/2 an egg, parsley, and some thing (I can't remember the name) made of apples, nuts, cinnamon and I don't know what. Also on the table is the Matzoh, salt water, and horseradish. I ate a little bit of gifelter (sp?) fish. Then we had Matzah ball soup, and salad with some kind of fish on the side. Then after that we had the big main course of turkey and brisquet with all sorts of side dishes.
The best part though was the dessert! Of course I was already full by then, but how can you resist?... I think I put on 5 lbs tonight.

Passover was neat, and it was good to see family! :)


Adventures with Bruce and Lorraine said...

it's harosets and it represents mortar. Yummiest mortar I ever ate.

Prax Family said...

Hey lady friend! I've always wanted to enjoy a passover meal. Did they have an extra plate setting and all that? I think it would be neat, especially with all the family.
