Saturday, April 4, 2009


So apparently, not golfing for an entire winter sets the learning
back by about a year. After making great progress last summer, I am
now worse than I ever was! Couldn't hit the ball to save my life,
so... It's back to square one!

So, we are sort of nomads at the moment... Staying in my grandma's
guest bedroom, or house/dog sitting at my aunt and uncle's. That is
all the detail you get for now... I'm the type of person that needs
a place to put my furniture and hang pictures on the wall and
without that I feel a bit lost/incomplete.

In other update news I am not working anymore, but only for the time
being, and Tyler has a full time job at a golf course working the
bag room/pro shop. He really likes it, and it's a great place for
him to start.

We are looking for apartments, but won't be in until at least may or
June. Once I have a more permanent place to live I will definitely
post actual pictures and stuff.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

I know how living with family can be too. When we moved down to Texas we lived with Pauls parents for three months. We had one bedroom for the three of us and our stuff, but during the day I couldn't really call it mine because it was right above the parents room and Pauls mom have to rest during the day because she worked nights. Anyways it was so nice to finally have our own place again.
