Monday, April 14, 2008


I AM SOOOOOO SORE... :) We did yard work on Saturday and loads of it. Literally. We had 2 1/2 loads from Home Depot, One load on to a friend's truck (he took our dirt), and One and 1/2 loads of mulch from the dump (to replace the dirt that was hauled away).

I have never done this much yard work in the whole rest of my life put together. It was fun though, and now it looks beautiful. This is what I did:

We put in some pretty rocks on one side of the bed, and made this little terrace to try and sort of camoflauge the water meter. A couple of people have said it's too early to put in flowers, but i think these ones are little troopers. We had a nice long talk while i was putting them in, and they are definitely on the same page as me now. We are on the same team. :)

While i was doing this, Tyler was making some desks for the place I work for. We are moving to a new office soon. Anyway, I took some video of the machine he uses to make all the holes and stuff, it's pretty cool. I call the machine Big Bessie:

This is what it does:

And this is going to be the end result:

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