Thursday, December 22, 2011

Terrible Twos

I recognize and appreciate the fact that I have one of the best behaved two year olds in the world. I know we are so lucky. Every once in a while though we are reminded that he is a pretty normal two year old. Sometimes he gets an attitude, i know he sometimes pushes in nursery, and goes into all out war mode when someone tries to take his toy away. Today we sort of bonded over one of the worst tantrums I have ever seen him throw. Definitely in the top two.
For this kind of meltdown there are a lot of factors that come together and create little baby chaos, and today had a lot of those factors. But they were masked by the fact that he was with his best friend and his mom, so I was taken a bit off my guard. And of course the melt down came when I tried to pry him away from his best friend and his mom so that we could go home and take our respective naps. It started with the normal protests and turned to screams and hitting. I tried to talk him through it but he was having none of that. So, I dragged him out to the car kicking and screaming, without shoes on, and let him calm down in the car while I went back for my purse and both our shoes.
When I got back to the car though, he was still crying! This totally surprised me, he should have calmed down by then but instead he was crying out for "Lyndsey! Jakey! No night night! Lyndsey! Jakey!..." So I gave him kisses and explained again that we were going home so he could sleep and rest his little body, and when he woke up everything would be better." he sniffled an "ok" and we drove home. During the drive though, he would randomly start to cry again and kept sniffling, so I thought maybe talking to Daddy would help. We called Tyler and I handed Nicholas the phone so they could talk man to man-cub. Tyler asked him why he was sad and he said "Lyndsey... Jakey... Mommy... Night night..." there you go, the whole explanation in 5 words. It calmed him down though and helped enough to keep the sniffles at bay so I could get him home and into bed. Whew!
But before he went to bed we had some snuggles and some kisses, and I think he had forgiven me. Which shouldn't really be my main concern but I love my little boy and am glad that he was willing to forgive and forget after such apparent trauma. <3

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