Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lazy Days

I am the epitome of the lazy days of summer. We are enjoying having Tyler home around three every day since he has this small break from school. It starts back up again in a few weeks, and so we'll be going back to craziness soon. In the meantime we are just appreciating what we have.

Our new ward is really fun, and we are getting to know some of the families a little better. Funny thing, there are 3 people from my high school that are in this Gainesville ward. It's such a small world, especially when you live in a college town!

Here are some pictures from yesterday at the new play group, and some from today when we went to the pool with Tyler.

Also, just as a little side note: a few weeks ago I ran into a problem with my blogger page. It said that I had run out of capacity in my "picassa" account that hosts the pictures for our blogs. It wouldn't let me upload any more pictures. I don't know if any of you have run into this, or what you did... but I figured I would throw this out there just in case you have or ever do. I didn't want to delete pictures to make more space until I am able to back up my blog entries, because the picture will no longer appear on the blog entry if I delete it from picassa. But, it fixed itself when I signed up with google plus. I'm guessing that each google account that you have gives you so much capacity, and so my limit expanded when I added google plus.
So, when I run out again (I'm sure it will happen) then I will probably just add Tyler as a contributor to the page, and do it through his google accounts. :) That is all.

1 comment:

Bronwyn James said...

I am now just paying $5 a year for a huge amount of storage, which I thought was a pretty great deal. Did you try to buy a little more storage space?

We have that same car seat. Florida looks wonderful!
