Tuesday, June 14, 2011

More Pictures from Janice's 70th

Here are some of the pictures from our camera at Janice's 70th birthday party out in Utah. The ones I posted before were taken with AnnJillene's camera (by all sorts of people ;).

This is what Nicholas was doing right before the prayer. It was like he was just smelling it or something, just putting it up to his face... but then the prayer started so he put it on his plate and folded his arms, and was doing so well. He lasted much longer than he usually had with his arms folded. But then all of a sudden during the prayer, he just reached over and grabbed the roll and took a giant bite out of it! And then I heard a couple of his cousins giggling ;)

The restaurant brought out some cheesecake for Janice with a candle and she blew it out... and then a few seconds later it lit back up! She kept blowing it out until it got down to the end of it and finally didn't relight, but it was pretty funny. All the grandkids started pitching in and helping :)

I really like this one. :)

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