Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Back to School

This one is for all those wives out there who have or have had husbands going to school.

-Staying up late with your husband so you can keep him awake while he reads those boring textbooks
-Keeping kid/s occupied while your husband works at the computer or kitchen table
-Going to a different room so you don't distract your husband
-Quizzing your husband for his upcoming tests
-Proof-reading papers, and then doing it again
-Reminding your husband that the video games can wait until after this next test

:) Here's to another semester! I am so proud of Tyler for all he does for our family and I'm grateful that he is such a hard worker and he really does so well with school. But I will be so glad when we're done! (PS- He should have his AA by the end of the summer and should be starting at UF in the fall. He submitted his application, so cross your fingers!)

1 comment:

Adventures with Bruce and Lorraine said...

well I'm proud of both of you. it's a team effort and he couldn't do as well without your support.
