Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sleeping Baby

We are willing to recognize and admit that we have a problem. We take TONS of pictures of this little guy, but we are just in love with him and he's so cute we can't stand to not snap pictures so we never forget how he looked at that exact moment.

Plus, in our defense, we do have family who don't get to see all these little moments because we live so far away, so it's for them as well! :)

Look Sierra, there's pooh on this blanket!
This is his "What the heck" look-
Tyler does this at least once a day. He lifts him up in the air and says "Simba!..."

We find the baby a lot of the time, sleeping with his arms up behind his head. Tyler asked me the other day if I thought it could be hereditary because he always does it too. I always put Tyler's arms down though, because they fall asleep when he sleeps like that. But the other day I came into our room, and found Tyler and the baby side by side just doing their thing. Naturally I ran and grabbed the camera. (It's never far away!)


russandkatie said...

I love it! Keep em coming!!!

Jilly said...

Dang cute pics!!! Tyler is hilarious
that cracked me up!
