Wednesday, July 24, 2013

First Birthday and Other Catch-ups

Things have been pretty hectic as we get settled more in to our new area, and we have been having a blast. We go to the beach 3 or 4 times a month and are at the pool just as much. We also like to have friends over to our (messy) house to hang out and get to know them better. We are making some great lasting friendships here, and I am so glad for the life adventures that have brought us to this place.
This experience is totally redeeming the state in my mind, and I'm working on my parents still! But I think it will only take a couple of visits. ;)
Soon after we got here the twins had their first birthday, and that is always a big deal for me, but especially so this time. One year meant I had survived. It meant that THEY survived. It meant they were walking, and getting more independent by the day, and I REALLY needed that. But that is just on top of all the other great things about turning 1, so it was a grand occasion.
And now, for the barrage of pictures. Enjoy! (apparently they don't want to go in any certain order, so this is the best that you're gonna get)

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