Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunbeams for Nicholas

I have been a little bit nervous about Nicholas starting Sunbeams and leaving Nursery. Part of it is probably that I don't want my baby to be quite so grown up yet. The other part is that I know he has trouble sitting still through all of sacrament meeting, so I was worried he would just be running all over the primary room.
Because of this worry, I have been talking to him all week and trying to prep him for what was coming. Tyler got called to be his teacher, and so I reminded him that he needs to listen and obey his teachers, ad that Daddy would be his teacher so he needed to listen so well! I told him he needed to stay in his seat, and that he would have two classes instead of just one. In one of them, I told him he would learn fun songs and be in a big room with lots of other kids. I hoped I was getting him excited as well as prepared for the expectation to stay seated and calm and organized. :)
Tyler says he did really well, and I decided to record him talking about his day and maybe someday we'll be able to look back and watch this and remember his first day of "real" primary.

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