Monday, June 28, 2010

Fathers Day, Arranged Marriages, etc

For Father's Day we all went out to Regina and Todd's. It was a blast! 

Here is Roland and Gator eating 

Matthew, Lindsay and Nichole

Here are Regina and Todd

Lindsay and I already have arranged the marriage of Nicholas and Nichole. They seem to be on board so far.

After a visit up to Tina and Fam in Maryland, my parents came back and dropped David off at our place. We had invited him to stay with us for a while, and we had a blast. It was so good to see our families over the last few weeks.

I like to call this their first date. We were all there, but since dating is not allowed until they're 16 they needed chaperons.

Looks like I need to have a talk with my son... before her dad does!

1 comment:

Bruce Gwilliam said...

The Tushy Touch
