Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas '08

Here are a whole bunch of pictures from Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. There are also some pictures of when we had all the neices and nephews come over to spend the night, and we decorated gingerbread houses. There was a girls house and a boys house. :)
Mom & Grandma cooking
David being David

Dad... being Dad

Aunt Chris

Mom, Chelley, Bob, Chris, Grandma, David, Tyler

Same :)

Nathan, Tim, 1/2 of Brett, Malin, Janice, Grandma, Tyler, Braxton, McKenna, Jackie, Sierra, and Leora (at the very edge)

Tyler's gift from his dad

My gift from McKenna (perfect for the plane rides to come back and visit from FL!)

Nathan and Tim

AnnJillene's gift from Tyler

Tyler wearing my gift from McKenna :)

Malin, Janice, and Grandma

Sierra's new apron!

Sierra & Mckenna's gingerbread house

Sierra, McKenna, Braxton, Colt, Hunter (peace)

Braxton, Colt, and Hunter's gingerbread house

The making of the houses:

1 comment:

Prax Family said...

cute tiff! It looks like you had a good christmas. We are probably headed back up the 31st through the 4th so we will call when we officially know our plans.
