Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Traumatic Event

The other night, Tyler was in the bathroom taking out his contacts, and I was getting dressed for bed, when out the window of our bedroom I heard this loud bang... It almost sounded like a gunshot or something, it was very very loud, and sounded pretty close. Tyler came out from the bathroom and asked "what was that?!?"

The next morning, Tyler went to play basketball at an unearthly hour, and asked one of our friends who lives down the street (and plays basketball with him) if he had heard anything. Chad (the friend) said no he hadn't heard anything, so we were starting to wonder if we were imagining things...

He came home from basketball and we were both getting ready for the day, and he glanced out the window and noticed a piece of our fence was broken off... Upon further investigation it seems that the loud bang was... our neighbor's tire (or the car) blew up. We're not exactly sure because it was a mess! See exibit A and B:

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