So a few weeks ago, I went to the doctor for an early visit. Usually he wouldn't meet with me until this month, but because of some other stuff he wanted to meet with me early. Since I was only 6 weeks along, I didn't know if he would do an ultrasound, which is what he normally does on the first visit, so Tyler didn't get off work to come with me.
I got there and he told me he would be doing the ultrasound because at 6 weeks we should be able to see a heartbeat. I was really excited! So, this doctor is great, and you can tell he loves his job. As he was doing the ultrasound he looked around a bit, and then zoomed in on the baby. I could immediately see the heartbeat fluttering, and was so happy! So, he explained a little bit more of what we were seeing. He took a picture, and then moved around some more and said, "And here is the other baby, and it's heartbeat!" He was so sneaky!!!
So, of course I was in shock and he had a hard time taking a picture of the 2nd baby because I was laughing too frequently in sort of a "are you serious?!" kind of way. But, eventually he took that picture and then zoomed out so we could see both babies right next to each other and took a picture of that.
He could tell I wasn't going to be absorbing much information after that news, so he just said that we would talk a lot more about twins later.
I walked out of the doctor's office and to my car in shock, and sort of on the edge of tears from information overload. When I got to the car, I tried to hold it together and called Tyler on the phone. Now, he loves to joke, and through our whole first pregnancy he kept insisting there was a second baby hiding in my belly that we just couldn't see. He's always joking about having twins or some crazy number of babies. So, I told him on the phone that I had gotten an ultrasound that day, and he said, "Are there three in there?" (LOL!) I said, "No, just two."
He said, "wait, really?"
"Uh, huh."
"Are you joking?"
"Wait, I'm confused. Are you serious or joking?"
"I'm serious."
Now, to his credit part of his confusion was that by this time I was crying and kind of hard to understand.
So, then he said, "Well, I'm excited!!!"
And that stopped my crying.
So, I stopped by his work and showed him the ultrasound and we were excited together! Then, we just wanted to tell everyone!