Poor kid, taking after his dad already and losing all his hair! (just kidding!) tee hee
He's lookin' pretty fly here in his hoodie jacket:
So, a few weeks ago, I went for an interview downtown in Miami. I was so nervous to drive down there by myself I thought for sure I would get lost or die. Or both. Anyway, once I got there and figured out where I was supposed to be, I calmed down and took pictures. The super tall tall tall building in the 2nd pic is where my interview was.
When the grandmas and grandpas were visiting, we spent a lot of time out and about and on this day we went to the everglades for the airboat rides, and got Nicholas all set for a day in the sun. Have you ever seen anything cuter?!? I didn't think so.
Ok these ones are from the day after Thanksgiving. Yes, Black Friday folks. I had to work it. I was scheduled from 4am until midnight but luckily I got to go home around 5 or 6 pm instead of having to stay the rest of the time. Once it calmed down they let some of the people who were opening the next day go home. I was glad. But, for all the craziness it was kinda fun. Definitely an experience. Not necessarily one I'd like to repeat but not bad. Here one of the tech guys Danny got up on the counter to let everyone know what we had left of the sales that were only good from 5am until 10am.
Here is Shelly and Janice's kitty Milly. She fits perfectly on this little thing that is NOT a cat bed, don't you think?
And more pics of Nicholas. :)
Monster Booties!!!
This was the night that Nicholas was born. One tired Papa:
This is Tyler trying to sleep on this chair. Funniest part about it is that he didn't know it was a fold out bed. Like a hide-a-bed. The nurses kept saying he could sleep on the folding bed, but he thought they were talking about the reclining chair that reclines flat. Poor guy, luckily we figured it out the next night so he only had one night like this.
Here is Millie when they first got her. She was so comfy across my pregnant belly. I'm glad it made someone comfortable. Well, ok it made the baby comfy too...
The frog in the hallway that we rescued
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of Ty on the beach. He's so handsome. (and rolling his eyes at me as he reads this)
My cousin Jessica, braving the scary oven to bake some cookies. Haha! She is very afraid of ovens. True story. This was momentous.
Alright, so those were pics we missed, here are some that you've seen but I thought I'd replay some of my favorite pics from the year. This has been a pretty big year for us. We moved across the country, found out we were having a baby, got new jobs, got a new apartment, Ty started school, we had a baby...I can only imagine what next year will hold. We miss all of our friends and family back in Utah. We love it here too though, and are gaining a lot of new experiences. Good and Bad they make us stronger and form who we become later. We are looking forward to the future and want to extend an open invitation to all our loved ones to come and visit us anytime. Our doors are always open.
The above pictures started with recent and moved back, these are starting at the beginning and coming back to present. Enjoy!!