Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter, etc

The day before Easter Tyler had off, so we went swimming at the pool, and then came back in and painted some easter eggs. I used to hate how you could never get the eggs really bright colors in the dye, even with vinegar and whatever... but I found the trick. LOL I used 2 tablets in each cup, because we only had 3 eggs to dye that way anyway. Who cares that one was blue and one was green, or one was yellow and the other was orange...? I thought it turned out nicely! So, it was fun, and you can't have Easter without coloring eggs, right?

On Easter day we were invited to Janice's parent's house. It was so fun, we were SO glad they invited us! Here we are, just chatting out on the patio, the weather was so beautiful. This is Shelley and Janice, and some of Janice's relatives.

They have a fun tradition of blindfolding you, and spinning you around and then you have to try and cut an easter egg in half with a knife. And the winner is the person that gets closest to the middle of the egg. Here is Janice spinning her mom Beverly around.

And here she is trying to cut the egg.

Here's Shelley putting the blindfold on Janice. It was so funny, Janice cut the egg right in the middle, and one of the halves went rolling off the table, and with the blindfold still on, she caught it. So, none of us would have realized what that meant, but she thought she was busted, so she pulled off the blindfold and shouted "I cheated! Oh no!" hahahahahah!

Some people were more successful than others. I did not hit the egg at all. :(

This was a cute picture from Passover that I forgot to put up. This is me and my cousin Jessica.

The day before Easter, we also went to dinner at Shelley's house to celebrate Aunt Bobbie's birthday. (Aunt Bobbie is my Grandma's sister, so she's my mom's aunt, and she is Shelley's mom)

And since Janice and I were both taking pictures, we weren't in either of the table pics, so I had Tyler take this one of us, to properly document who all was there. :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Tonight we went to Passover at Cousin Shelley's house. It was a fun crowd of family and friends, and the food was great.

As you can see, Shelley does a dinner right. On the plates were 1/2 an egg, parsley, and some thing (I can't remember the name) made of apples, nuts, cinnamon and I don't know what. Also on the table is the Matzoh, salt water, and horseradish. I ate a little bit of gifelter (sp?) fish. Then we had Matzah ball soup, and salad with some kind of fish on the side. Then after that we had the big main course of turkey and brisquet with all sorts of side dishes.
The best part though was the dessert! Of course I was already full by then, but how can you resist?... I think I put on 5 lbs tonight.

Passover was neat, and it was good to see family! :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009


So apparently, not golfing for an entire winter sets the learning
back by about a year. After making great progress last summer, I am
now worse than I ever was! Couldn't hit the ball to save my life,
so... It's back to square one!

So, we are sort of nomads at the moment... Staying in my grandma's
guest bedroom, or house/dog sitting at my aunt and uncle's. That is
all the detail you get for now... I'm the type of person that needs
a place to put my furniture and hang pictures on the wall and
without that I feel a bit lost/incomplete.

In other update news I am not working anymore, but only for the time
being, and Tyler has a full time job at a golf course working the
bag room/pro shop. He really likes it, and it's a great place for
him to start.

We are looking for apartments, but won't be in until at least may or
June. Once I have a more permanent place to live I will definitely
post actual pictures and stuff.
