Monday, February 18, 2008

Side Jobs

Tyler did a side job the other day and it turned out really nice, so I thought I'd brag about my husband's mad cabinet skills today. :) This was a job for a couple in our ward/neighborhood who are remodeling their basement. Tyler did the bathroom cabinets for them:

I figured this was good to put on here because this is what we've been up to lately. :) For side jobs, Tyler gets to use the shop where he works and all of their equipment but just has to do it when he's not on the clock, so he's been staying late a few nights a week. This job wasn't too bad though, it really didn't take him as long as I thought it would! :) Here is the finished product:

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Haircut

I did it!!! I have been stewing over the decision for months, and I did it! Here are the pictures:



More pictures :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

Another Round...

We got about 4 more inches at our house last night... In the pictures from my last post you can see that everyone is out snowblowing and shovelling, and the road is nice and plowed, right? Well... apparently everyone decided if it's going to keep snowing this much, it's not worth it to even try and scrape it away anymore... :) This morning, there wasn't a soul on the street in our neighborhood, and the plows were nowhere to be found. Even driving to work, I think there was more snow on the freeway than there was on my street, but it was all slushy, and traffic was horrible! It's not like this was unexpected, the weatherman wore his white jacket last night :)
It was just a funny contrast, 2 days ago we all got up and saw that it had snowed and everyone went outside and got scraping, but today... I think everyone decided that 15 minutes of sleep was more worthwhile. :) word...
